“ I wish to thank you for everything. I have been impressed to listen, observe and learn from you. I have directly benefited from your skills, experience, knowledge and character – your craft – your ability to work with such professionalism and a caring interest. You absolutely have a gift. Know that my trust and confidence is in you, and that I'm grateful for your guidance and efforts. ”
Negotiation involves the back & forth communication between the parties and/or their lawyers in order to reach an agreement which resolves issues that are in dispute.
Resolutions achieved via negotiation can then be incorporated into legal binding written agreements or court orders. [ more ]
Mediation is a form of alternative dispute resolution where an impartial third party (the mediator) assists both parties to try and resolve their family law issues.
The mediator does not have the authority to impose a settlement and cannot give either party legal advice or advocate on their behalf.
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Collaborative Family Law is a voluntary process which is designed to help clients resolve their family law issues while avoiding the need to go to court.
With the assistance of their lawyers, the parties take part in a series of meetings or negotiations in order to try and negotiate a settlement.
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Litigation may be necessary if spouses are unable to resolve the issues in dispute through other means. The case would proceed to court and a judge would be asked to decide on one or more of the unresolved issues.
In Ontario there are specific steps that need to be taken before a judge can make a final decision. [ more ]